Saturday 4 August 2012

From Sista 1:  Okay. I want to come clean. I have finally made a decision to follow my dreams. From as long as I can remember I have always wanted to stand in front of people and spreak to them, What about? I dont know but it always ended in applause! My mum told me I would be one of three things - a preacher, a politician, or an actress! For the last 20 years I finally realized that what makes me come alive is politics. So there you have it. I am going to make a stab at a political seat at the general elections next March.  And you know what? I am going to win!

Monday 23 July 2012

Learning your family history is a powerful thing that not many people understand or get a chance to do it is the biggest encouragement and inspiration one can get from ancestors...

Sister 6

Sunday 1 July 2012

The seasons change and each one brings new blessings....I am Happy. I like the Jewish interpretaion of Shalom[peace] "That power that destroys every opposition and enforces peace."
Love that.
Sista 4

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Hey sistas!! I feel this song by the Pointer Sisters in my head "WE are FAMILY, I got all my sisters with me!"
What a wonderful time I am having!!! Getting ma groove o-on.... John got his license today FINALLY Praise be to God. We are Family!!! I got all my sistaz with me!!! Yeah!   Sista 4

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Slowly but Surely.

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your own consent; says Eleanor Roosevelt. I know it!!!!! Change is in the air and I am so alive with it. Sistaz what fun..

Monday 4 June 2012

"I AM" these are such powerful words! I choose to create my new reality today.
 I am in good health, I am happy, I am prosperous, I am going to have a wonderful day.


Sister 2

Sunday 3 June 2012

Work Till You Die?

Today, I took a break, not because I usually do, certainly not. More because I just didn't feel like it, I just felt, "that's it, time for ME!"
So I stayed at home, and my first though was to do what nurturing women always do: do the cleaning and clearing that you often don't have the time time to do, then sit down with a nice cup of tea, feet up, and call all your friends and catch up on the latest gossip. Sound so kool, yes?
I did nothing of the sort (except cook lunch because I was hungry), and switched on Zuku channel, and settled on a settee with a rug and glass or wine.....with no guilt!

Sista 3